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Let me fill you in on this one.  well i
havent did auctions since january this yr cause i had been ill and
didnt really feel like doing them so I decided to take a break well
my digital camara has been sitting on hubs desk since january no one
has used the camara so this last month i decided to go back to doing
auctions and since we had trouble with hubs computer having a virus
we had to redo windows so on july 9th after we did the windows i put
camara program back on computer but couldnt get camara to work it
said it needed a battery cause battery was too low so on monday the
12th I put in a new one and pulled up camara program I noticed the
camara had some images stored on it so i decided to download to see
what was there cause no one has used the camara i thought perhaps
one of the young grandkids had turned it on and clicked by accident
but when i downloaded the pics i found this wasnt the case at all
instead i found 2 odd pictures there i have put them over in photos
they are called alien eyes you guys need to be the judge on this one
i know what it looks like to me but i havent a clue as to how they
got there I guess they came for a visit as hubs said. even he
couldnt deny this one. So go have a look and let me know what you
think you can post here or email me at